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The Evolution of Learning & Development in Mining

This report explores the past, present, and future of professional development in mining, providing a comprehensive overview of how the...

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Course Catalogue

Download Edumine's full catalogue of courses in PDF to help you find exactly what mining courses we have available.

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5 Ways to Create Engagement in Learning

Discover 5 practical and highly effective strategies to address and solve the issue of learner engagement.

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Upcoming Courses

Critical Minerals

Through a comprehensive exploration, you'll gain insights into the geopolitical, economic, and environmental dimensions of critical minerals, enabling you to...

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SHIFT: Women in Mining

Discover the points of resistance are for women at each stage of a mining career, what can be done to...

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Managing Tailings Through Satellite-Based Technology

Join Sam Rivet from PhotoSat to gain an overview of the application of satellite-based elevation surveying for active and legacy...

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How to Get Teams to Address ESG Risks

Join Karen Chovan to find out how and why effective outcomes happen when multi-discipline teams really hash out ESG risks...

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