Geotechnics Courses

Recommended courses for you
Course NameTierSubjectCourse LengthStore Link
A Rock Engineering Primer for Non-Engineers in MiningIntroductoryGeotechnics3
Application of Stereonets in Open Pit DesignAdvancedGeotechnics5
Design and Application of Sublevel Stoping MethodsAdvancedMining4
Design for Underground Metal Mines 1 - Design ParametersAdvancedGeotechnics12
Design for Underground Metal Mines 2 - Design GuidelinesAdvancedGeotechnics12
ESG Across the Mining Value ChainIntermediateMining4
Geosynthetics in MiningIntermediateGeotechnics9
Geotechnical Engineering for Mine Geowaste FacilitiesAdvancedGeotechnics22
Groundwater in MiningAdvancedGeotechnics14
Introduction to Groundwater Modeling for Mines and MiningIntermediateGeotechnics11
Mine Water and Chemical Balance AnalysisAdvancedGeotechnics14
Responsible Tailings Management 101IntermediateGeotechnics9
Rock Mass Classification for Mine DesignAdvancedGeotechnics15
Surface Water Management at MinesIntermediateGeotechnics12
Tailings Facility Design, Operation, and ClosureIntermediateGeotechnics19
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